"Considering Our Ways & His Ways"

“Think carefully about your ways. (“Take a good, hard look at your life. Think it over.” The Message / “Give careful thought to your ways.” NIV)” (Haggai 1:5,HCSB) Welcome to 2010 … a New Year that holds the ‘potential’ for a ‘New YOU!’ No matter how old you are – no matter where you’ve been, it is all history today (i.e. locked in the past where it will remain forever). That merits a “Praise God” for somethings which we would rather not see / experience again. I love to hear folks misquote the following statement, “History always repeats itself!” That statement, as we say in the South, just don’t hold water! The truth is simply this – History is not this ‘force or inexplicable entity that directs our lives and the events of life.’ History is simply the consequence of man’s choices – so when history ‘appears’ to be repeating itself, it is simply because man is making the same choices and reaping the same results. Proverbs 26:11b declares that “a fool repeats his foolishness.” What we need to do to break the repeat cycle of recurring history is to stop making the same choices and starting making new ones – godly ones! And the only way in which we can do this is through our being honest with God and ourselves as we ‘think carefully about our ways’ (i.e. our life choices) because God “wants complete honesty” (Psalms 51:6, CEV) of our hearts. The Apostle Paul tells us to “be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.” (Romans 12:3, NLT) Honesty begins with our moving our of the drivers seat of our lives and inviting God to truly come and take over - for the Truth that we need is HIM (John 14:6). For us to try to measure ourselves by our own merits will fall short every time because our examination is surface level only – His examination through His Word is deep, penetrating to the very marrow of our soul where it “judges the thoughts and attitudes of (our) heart.” (Hebrews 4:12) 1 Samuel 16:7 affirms this truth when it tells us that “the Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (NLT) God spoke this same truth to His prophet Jeremiah when He declared, "I the LORD search the heart and test (‘examine’) the mind…” (Jeremiah 17:10, ESV) So on the first day of a brand new year, I challenge you to find some time to “give careful thought of your ways.” Allow the Lord then to do His divine examination to reveal areas where we each need to CHANGE … beginning today, not tomorrow. The history of yesterday will only be repeated when you make the same choices and reap the same consequences – a most foolish move for us repeat as The Bible so accurately reminds us. It’s a New Year .. allow God to create a New You through spending some honest time before the divine counsel of His Word. Starting TODAY – completely let go (surrender) to His Work in preparing you for His Will for the journey ahead! …Selah!
Today's CCM video can be viewed upon clicking the title of the song, "Every Time I Breathe" by Big Daddy Weave

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