A New Feature to this Blog: Christian Book Reviews

One of my joys in my spiritual journey of faith is reading God's Word along with Biblically-solid authors who share deeper insights of His truth. I read several devotions each day and I try to concurrently read 1-2 Christian books which I feel the Lord leads me to read in just the right life season. Now I am admittedly no speed reader, but I do try to set aside time to feed off of His spiritual manna daily! As an added resource to my ministry, I would like to share a brief review when I complete the reading of one of the many Christian books from my library. I strongly encourage each of you to take advantage of the plethora of Christian writers today and the wisdom they pen from the Lord through their own unique life journeys. I welcome your feedback on these reviews as well as a recommendation for a book that you have read that may bless myself or others. I look forward to adding to these reviews in the near future ...

"Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth." (2 Timothy 2:15, Amplified Bible)

Proverbs 29:18 declares "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (KJV) The Hebrew word for “vision” is "Chawzown" (pronounced khaw-ZONE) and is translated as a divine  "dream or revelation." The spiritual journey of discovering our divine “vision” in this life is the theme for the book, Chazown: Define Your Vision. Pursue Your Passion. Live Your Life on Purpose published by WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. Craig Groeschel, lead pastor of LifeChurch, penned this great practical guide for discovering this divine vision (‘chawzown’) which is birthed in the heart of God and placed into every life. The principles which Groeschel shares in this book are anchored firmly - from cover to cover - to the eternal moorings of Biblical truth. This is one of my personal standards for ANY book which I read today – that it be based solidly upon Biblical truth (“rightly dividing the Word of God” 2 Timothy 2:15), else the reader would be left to read only man-made opinions with limited observations in lieu of the deeper understandings which come only from God’s infallible Word. In Chawzown, Groeschel effectively serves as your spiritual trail guide as he leads the reader on a spiritual journey to discover their personal ‘chazown’ through helping you explore your core values (beliefs), your spiritual gifts and finding time to set aside for you to reflect over your own life experiences - all in the quest to help the reader know with certainty one’s true, God-given vision (‘chawzown’) for ther life. Groeschel shares many of his own life experiences – some which in this reviewer’s opinion might have been a little more descriptive than necessary – combined with simple graphics of God’s truth and sections for interactive assessments which allow the reader to implement the book’s principles through the aid of God’s Word and honest self-examination of their life. Each chapter is wisely sized to be short in physical length, but deep in eternal truths. This was my first reading of a book written by Craig Groeschel, and likely will not be my last. Groeschel’s heart for simplicity and his commitment to upholding the integrity of God’s truth as the foundation for this book really speaks to a Christian author whose goal seems not to make lots of money off of writing yet another book, but to diligently listen to God and study His truths more deeply as he prepared a work that will surely be used by God as a Biblical tool to transform many lives for the glory and honor of our Lord Jesus. I recommend that you pray and see if God would lead you to read this new work on finding your God-given 'chawzown' and the passion and purpose for true 'chawzown' that is birthed in the heart of every believer!
          Thank you to Waterbrook Multnomah for providing this book free of charge for the purpose of reading this new work and sharing a honest, heartfelt and unbiased review.

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