[Focal Text: “…Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than receive.’” Acts 20:35]
Throughout the world, stores are filled with crowds of shoppers these final few days before Christmas with many who are eagerly looking for that infamous “last minute gift.” From clothes sizes to favorite colors and the innumerable list of choices, many have their minds preoccupied more on the aesthetics and cost of the gifts while being enamored with their own “wish list” which entails an unending hunger for more “stuff” to add to our already “stuffed lives.” Christmas morning will soon arrive, and despite all the “stuff” which we both exchange and receive, many will be left feeling “incomplete / empty” as if something special were missing. That missing “something” is the true reason for this divine season – the gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ, over 2,000 years ago that established the real meaning and purpose of Christmas – the gift of God’s love for the forgiveness of our sins through virgin birth, crucifixion and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Although many know of this truth, many will fail to both genuinely understand it and allow it to truly change / transform their lives into His likeness. Reading in one of my devotionals recently, I came across the following illustration of how some in this journey of life truly do understand God’s gift and His call to share in that same giving spirit to others. The devotional “shared a story of a Christian peasant woman living in Africa over fifty years ago. People were bringing gifts as offerings to the Lord at her local church, but she had nothing to bring – or so she thought. When she appeared with a dollar to place on the church altar, the missionary became quite curious of its origin, given her great degree of poverty. As he lovingly spoke with her, he quickly discovered that she had sold herself as a ‘slave’ for life to a nearby plantation – for a dollar!” Although most who read this true story will have their sensibilities shocked in trying to understand this woman’s freewill choice of slavery, we must focus not so much on her act, but on the example of her loving attitude toward her Savior. The divine power of giving as seen by the sacrificial witness of this humble peasant quickly dismisses the misguided focus of “self” which has consumed so many seem in today’s culture, especially during the Christmas season. Take just a moment to ponder the giving of oneself to a lifetime of slavery – by choice – out of a love that is clearly boundless and overflowing for the divine gift of that “baby in a manger” (Luke 2:12) over 2,000 years ago – simply incredible! What an expression of a grateful heart for God’s sending of His Son, Jesus, as a gift so that we may have eternal life just as HE declared in John 3:16, “For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” (NLT) The Apostle Paul captured that thankful heart when he penned those celebratory words of joy to the believers at Corinth, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15) Amy Carmichael, a Christian missionary to India who sacrificially served 55 years on the mission field without a single furlough, once wrote, “One can give without loving, but one cannot love without giving!” Our giving to others of Christ in and through us is never to be limited to this holiday season … it is to be expressed through a lifestyle of giving throughout the year! Many miss this year round spirit of giving because we are blinded by the cost (i.e. the demand of time & ourselves). To that Amy Carmichael wrote, “Satan is so much more in earnest than we are - he buys up the opportunity while we are (left) wondering how much it will cost." So in these waning hours leading up to this year’s Christmas, I would extend the challenge that we all stop for a few moments and truly reflect upon the gift that makes this season of celebration all possible – the gift of Immanuel (God with us)! Reflect over the words penned by the prophet Isaiah as he spoke of this divine gift even before His arrival in that little town of Bethlehem on that first Christmas night, “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over His kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.” (Isaiah 9:5-7) Despite the growing number of folks today that seem to have forgotten and/or neglected the true reason for this Christmas season, the blessing for God’s children (His Church) - as seen in their giving to others of His love, His peace and His hope – remains available for us all to share, not just at Christmas, but throughout the New Year to come! So let us resolve in our hearts to “give generously” (Psalms 37:21) to one another as we celebrate the divine gift of love seen in that precious baby lying in a manger on that first Christmas night! …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video is a powerful music testament to the incredible gift of God’s love (Romans 5:8) by CCM artists Downhere and can be viewed by clicking on their Christmas song, “How Many Kings?”
Life is a daily journey - a step by step spiritual quest up the Holy Mountain of God (Exodus 24:13)
“Spiritual Leprosy – A Deadly Silence to Those Suffering”
[Focal text: Luke 17:11-19] Have you ever experienced a season in your life journey where you felt like a “spiritual leper?” Allow me first to explain medically what a “leper” is. A modern day surgeon to lepers states that for a person who has contracted leprosy – known as a “leper” - the nerves stop functioning properly, no longer sending signals of pain to the brain. Lepers will then begin to lose their digits (i.e. fingers and toes) in accidents because they cannot feel pain when they may hurt themselves. Recall that in the Biblical days, lepers with this awful, crippling and disfiguring disease were labeled as “outcasts” because they were deemed as “spiritual unclean” and under the judgment of God. Lepers were thus cast out of their homes and towns, not allowed to work or even have physical contact with other human beings, not even their own family members. Stripped of every shred of decency which God gives to every person that He creates, lepers in Biblical times were left with no means to survive other than to beg for food and essentials; thereby pleading upon the mercy of others for handouts / daily provisions. Fast forward to today – an ever-increasing number of folks are experiencing great deals of pain and suffering in their life journey – many are facing unexpected job losses resulting in great economic hardships which are leaving many without the means to provide for one’s family (Lamentations 3:18-20); many are facing chronic illnesses and incurable medical problems which attack not only the body, but the very heart of one’s purpose and self-worth (Job 14:22); many are experiencing relationship problems as many families are divided and strife-filled (Matthew 12:45); and yet many other trials and tribulations are producing great levels of suffering in the lives of a growing number of families, both believers and unbelievers alike (Matthew 5:45). These trials have left many to feel like “spiritual lepers” by the community around them. Often isolated from former co-workers, family members and friends, they feel much like ‘outcasts’ left to wander alone in the barren desert of unending pain and intense suffering. As lepers were treated in the Biblical days, fewer folks seem willing to cross the human-made barriers to these modern-day “lepers” who need - more than anything - a genuine reminder that they are loved and have innate value/self-worth in the eyes of their Creator and to others as well. Sadly, many choose to pass them by, muck like the same way the lepers of the Biblical days were often passed by. Sadly, this sinful action is being repeated today by many within God’s church through the inaction to reach out and minister to those who are suffering in great pain through the various trials that have beset their lives. Many believers are so preoccupied with their own lives that they have become ‘desensitized’ (i.e. …deaf!) to the cries and moans of their neighbors all about them. Overflowing with “the best of intentions,” many simply fail to put the needs of others before their own needs. The Apostle Paul commanded us not to lose this order of priority when he shared in Philippians 2:1-5, “Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” What attitude did Jesus demonstrate toward “lepers” in today’s focal text – compassion! Throughout the New Testament, Jesus was noted to be “filled (overflowing) with compassion” (Luke 7:13/15:20) which “moved Him” (Mark 1:41) to act – to become personally involved in the lives of others. James teaches us that unless our faith produces in us compassion-led actions to become involved in helping others around us in this life journey, then that faith we proclaim to hold is simply "dead and useless" (James 2:17, 26). And like the digits of many lepers as the disease progresses, the loss of the gift of touch – even the ability to sense / experience pain – leaves no other option than for death to consume that body member which was - at one time - filled with vibrant life. Spiritually, that is where many within God’s church are today, including a growing number of her leaders. They have allowed the enemy to stricken them with a spiritual leprosy that has left them unable to truly sense / experience the deep pain and suffering of others – holding on instead to a faith that has a nice shell (“having the appearance of good intentions”), but little to no true core (“genuine Christ-like heart of compassion”). So everyday, many are left to pass by an unlimited number of “divinus momentos” (divine moments) to minister through God’s compassion to the plethora of those suffering – many horribly stricken with an emotional, spiritual and/or physical type of leprosy. Perhaps for some believers, they have been hurt by compassionately reaching out to others, but received little to no gratitude for their effort. If that is you, be reassured that you are not alone. Jesus reached out to all ten lepers in today’s focal text and blessed them with a miraculous healing, yet only one leper returned to Him to express his gratitude. As followers of Christ, we are to demonstrate that same compassion, that same level of involvement which Christ did to those who the world has cast away, to those who may be suffering in silence, to those who may be unable to ask for help for themselves. So that we ourselves may not be guilty of passing by modern “lepers,” we must commit our heart and soul to listen to His Holy Spirit, to follow His divine leading and to act with genuine compassion to those who He brings across your lifepaths. The greatest blessing this CHRISTmas season is to simply be Jesus to others – allowing Him to love you first, and then for Him to love others through you … that’s what the true gift of CHRISTmas is all about! So go ahead, give away the true gift of Christmas as you remember the words of truth found in 1 John 3:18 - “Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions (“…You show love for others by truly helping them, and not merely by talking about it” (CEV))!” (NLT) …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video is a duet by CCM artists Matthew West and Amy Grant and can be viewed by clicking on their Christmas song, "Give This CHRISTmas Away."
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