[Focal Text: “…Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than receive.’” Acts 20:35]
Throughout the world, stores are filled with crowds of shoppers these final few days before Christmas with many who are eagerly looking for that infamous “last minute gift.” From clothes sizes to favorite colors and the innumerable list of choices, many have their minds preoccupied more on the aesthetics and cost of the gifts while being enamored with their own “wish list” which entails an unending hunger for more “stuff” to add to our already “stuffed lives.” Christmas morning will soon arrive, and despite all the “stuff” which we both exchange and receive, many will be left feeling “incomplete / empty” as if something special were missing. That missing “something” is the true reason for this divine season – the gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ, over 2,000 years ago that established the real meaning and purpose of Christmas – the gift of God’s love for the forgiveness of our sins through virgin birth, crucifixion and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Although many know of this truth, many will fail to both genuinely understand it and allow it to truly change / transform their lives into His likeness. Reading in one of my devotionals recently, I came across the following illustration of how some in this journey of life truly do understand God’s gift and His call to share in that same giving spirit to others. The devotional “shared a story of a Christian peasant woman living in Africa over fifty years ago. People were bringing gifts as offerings to the Lord at her local church, but she had nothing to bring – or so she thought. When she appeared with a dollar to place on the church altar, the missionary became quite curious of its origin, given her great degree of poverty. As he lovingly spoke with her, he quickly discovered that she had sold herself as a ‘slave’ for life to a nearby plantation – for a dollar!” Although most who read this true story will have their sensibilities shocked in trying to understand this woman’s freewill choice of slavery, we must focus not so much on her act, but on the example of her loving attitude toward her Savior. The divine power of giving as seen by the sacrificial witness of this humble peasant quickly dismisses the misguided focus of “self” which has consumed so many seem in today’s culture, especially during the Christmas season. Take just a moment to ponder the giving of oneself to a lifetime of slavery – by choice – out of a love that is clearly boundless and overflowing for the divine gift of that “baby in a manger” (Luke 2:12) over 2,000 years ago – simply incredible! What an expression of a grateful heart for God’s sending of His Son, Jesus, as a gift so that we may have eternal life just as HE declared in John 3:16, “For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” (NLT) The Apostle Paul captured that thankful heart when he penned those celebratory words of joy to the believers at Corinth, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15) Amy Carmichael, a Christian missionary to India who sacrificially served 55 years on the mission field without a single furlough, once wrote, “One can give without loving, but one cannot love without giving!” Our giving to others of Christ in and through us is never to be limited to this holiday season … it is to be expressed through a lifestyle of giving throughout the year! Many miss this year round spirit of giving because we are blinded by the cost (i.e. the demand of time & ourselves). To that Amy Carmichael wrote, “Satan is so much more in earnest than we are - he buys up the opportunity while we are (left) wondering how much it will cost." So in these waning hours leading up to this year’s Christmas, I would extend the challenge that we all stop for a few moments and truly reflect upon the gift that makes this season of celebration all possible – the gift of Immanuel (God with us)! Reflect over the words penned by the prophet Isaiah as he spoke of this divine gift even before His arrival in that little town of Bethlehem on that first Christmas night, “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over His kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.” (Isaiah 9:5-7) Despite the growing number of folks today that seem to have forgotten and/or neglected the true reason for this Christmas season, the blessing for God’s children (His Church) - as seen in their giving to others of His love, His peace and His hope – remains available for us all to share, not just at Christmas, but throughout the New Year to come! So let us resolve in our hearts to “give generously” (Psalms 37:21) to one another as we celebrate the divine gift of love seen in that precious baby lying in a manger on that first Christmas night! …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video is a powerful music testament to the incredible gift of God’s love (Romans 5:8) by CCM artists Downhere and can be viewed by clicking on their Christmas song, “How Many Kings?”
Life is a daily journey - a step by step spiritual quest up the Holy Mountain of God (Exodus 24:13)
“Spiritual Leprosy – A Deadly Silence to Those Suffering”
[Focal text: Luke 17:11-19] Have you ever experienced a season in your life journey where you felt like a “spiritual leper?” Allow me first to explain medically what a “leper” is. A modern day surgeon to lepers states that for a person who has contracted leprosy – known as a “leper” - the nerves stop functioning properly, no longer sending signals of pain to the brain. Lepers will then begin to lose their digits (i.e. fingers and toes) in accidents because they cannot feel pain when they may hurt themselves. Recall that in the Biblical days, lepers with this awful, crippling and disfiguring disease were labeled as “outcasts” because they were deemed as “spiritual unclean” and under the judgment of God. Lepers were thus cast out of their homes and towns, not allowed to work or even have physical contact with other human beings, not even their own family members. Stripped of every shred of decency which God gives to every person that He creates, lepers in Biblical times were left with no means to survive other than to beg for food and essentials; thereby pleading upon the mercy of others for handouts / daily provisions. Fast forward to today – an ever-increasing number of folks are experiencing great deals of pain and suffering in their life journey – many are facing unexpected job losses resulting in great economic hardships which are leaving many without the means to provide for one’s family (Lamentations 3:18-20); many are facing chronic illnesses and incurable medical problems which attack not only the body, but the very heart of one’s purpose and self-worth (Job 14:22); many are experiencing relationship problems as many families are divided and strife-filled (Matthew 12:45); and yet many other trials and tribulations are producing great levels of suffering in the lives of a growing number of families, both believers and unbelievers alike (Matthew 5:45). These trials have left many to feel like “spiritual lepers” by the community around them. Often isolated from former co-workers, family members and friends, they feel much like ‘outcasts’ left to wander alone in the barren desert of unending pain and intense suffering. As lepers were treated in the Biblical days, fewer folks seem willing to cross the human-made barriers to these modern-day “lepers” who need - more than anything - a genuine reminder that they are loved and have innate value/self-worth in the eyes of their Creator and to others as well. Sadly, many choose to pass them by, muck like the same way the lepers of the Biblical days were often passed by. Sadly, this sinful action is being repeated today by many within God’s church through the inaction to reach out and minister to those who are suffering in great pain through the various trials that have beset their lives. Many believers are so preoccupied with their own lives that they have become ‘desensitized’ (i.e. …deaf!) to the cries and moans of their neighbors all about them. Overflowing with “the best of intentions,” many simply fail to put the needs of others before their own needs. The Apostle Paul commanded us not to lose this order of priority when he shared in Philippians 2:1-5, “Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” What attitude did Jesus demonstrate toward “lepers” in today’s focal text – compassion! Throughout the New Testament, Jesus was noted to be “filled (overflowing) with compassion” (Luke 7:13/15:20) which “moved Him” (Mark 1:41) to act – to become personally involved in the lives of others. James teaches us that unless our faith produces in us compassion-led actions to become involved in helping others around us in this life journey, then that faith we proclaim to hold is simply "dead and useless" (James 2:17, 26). And like the digits of many lepers as the disease progresses, the loss of the gift of touch – even the ability to sense / experience pain – leaves no other option than for death to consume that body member which was - at one time - filled with vibrant life. Spiritually, that is where many within God’s church are today, including a growing number of her leaders. They have allowed the enemy to stricken them with a spiritual leprosy that has left them unable to truly sense / experience the deep pain and suffering of others – holding on instead to a faith that has a nice shell (“having the appearance of good intentions”), but little to no true core (“genuine Christ-like heart of compassion”). So everyday, many are left to pass by an unlimited number of “divinus momentos” (divine moments) to minister through God’s compassion to the plethora of those suffering – many horribly stricken with an emotional, spiritual and/or physical type of leprosy. Perhaps for some believers, they have been hurt by compassionately reaching out to others, but received little to no gratitude for their effort. If that is you, be reassured that you are not alone. Jesus reached out to all ten lepers in today’s focal text and blessed them with a miraculous healing, yet only one leper returned to Him to express his gratitude. As followers of Christ, we are to demonstrate that same compassion, that same level of involvement which Christ did to those who the world has cast away, to those who may be suffering in silence, to those who may be unable to ask for help for themselves. So that we ourselves may not be guilty of passing by modern “lepers,” we must commit our heart and soul to listen to His Holy Spirit, to follow His divine leading and to act with genuine compassion to those who He brings across your lifepaths. The greatest blessing this CHRISTmas season is to simply be Jesus to others – allowing Him to love you first, and then for Him to love others through you … that’s what the true gift of CHRISTmas is all about! So go ahead, give away the true gift of Christmas as you remember the words of truth found in 1 John 3:18 - “Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions (“…You show love for others by truly helping them, and not merely by talking about it” (CEV))!” (NLT) …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video is a duet by CCM artists Matthew West and Amy Grant and can be viewed by clicking on their Christmas song, "Give This CHRISTmas Away."
“We Must Enter Into Battle Against Evil” - Pt 4
It may come as a surprise to many to know that Satan “loves” going to church today, just as he has throughout history following his great fall from heaven! I am most saddened to share that in many of the churches which he visits, he is actually invited to lead / run them through the open disobedience of its leaders and the church body - strong words, true reality! Many may ask, “Where do we find Satan in the church today?” Allow me to enlist the aid of noted theologian, Warren Wiersbe from his 1979 classic book, the Strategy of Satan, to aid in the answer of that excellent question. Although we see him in many places within churches, there are three specific areas which he often targets. First and foremost, he shows up in the pulpits. Satan, combined with the disobedience of many church bodies, has helped place many of “his servants” who “disguise themselves as servants of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:15) into pastorate positions in numerous churches across our nation and throughout our world. Simply because a pastor says that he is a Christian and perhaps went to seminary does not always mean that he is truly saved and is a genuine servant of Jesus Christ. The area which quickly reveals the spiritual condition of a pastor’s heart is centered on whether they “correctly handle the word of God” (2 Timothy 2:15). False teachers omit and add for the ultimate purpose of control – true preachers proclaim the full counsel of God’s living Word – from Genesis to Revelation, from Alpha to Omega (Revelation 22:13) - for the ultimate purpose of releasing God's people in the freedom of kingdom service. Matthew 7:15 accurately warns believers, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." This is perhaps one of the most selected targets by Satan of any church – her leaders – for if he achieves victory here, other victories are soon to follow and that particular church is left spiritually powerless to her God-appointed mission to spreading the Gospel and making new disciples for Christ. A second area where Satan and his agents of evil show up is in the sin-infected hearts of many in the pews. The scriptures clearly warns us that there are “false believers” (2 Corinthians 11:26) and “false apostles …who are false workers that masquerade as (genuine) apostle of Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:13, NLT). Whether in the pulpits or in the pews, Satan’s strategy is always founded upon his most effective weapon – his cloak of deception which is based upon a shifting foundation of lies and half-truths (John 8:44). How do we recognize these who are not truly of the faith (i.e. in the family of God)? His Holy Scriptures provides us that answer which is found in 1 John 3:10 – “We can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God.” (NLT) This does not give believers the license to run around as “Judgment Police” proclaiming “Citizens Arrests” like Barney Fife or Gomer Pyle of Mayberry! But it does serve to aid in our spiritual discernment / understanding of just how the enemy can affect the hearts of anyone who will give ear to his lies in lieu of the truth of God given to us through His inerrant Word. Thirdly, Satan loves to show up in Worship – not out of enjoyment for the praise and glory which is to be given unto our Lord; rather he desires to disrupt that praise and worship and center it upon the things of this fallen world, ultimately, himself! Worship is a foundational element to everything which a church is about and everything for which it undertakes to accomplish for the Lord. I believe worship is a common target by the enemy because Satan, known then as Lucifer, is believed to have held some degree of leadership in this area before his fall and subsequent expulsion from heaven (Isaiah 14:12-15). The point here in today's devotion is not to debate Lucifer’s title and job description in heaven; rather it is to acknowledge that he has past experience in the realm of true worship (while he was in Heaven); thus he is intimately aware of the power it holds in the life of true believers and therefore seeks to do everything possible to disrupt any worship which takes place through any means / avenues which he is afforded (i.e. allowed to do so). Sadly, many Christians give Satan easy entranceways to worship by not “guarding their hearts” (Proverbs 4:23) against his tactics and assaults. We often allow circumstances, styles, personalities and selfish preferences to dictate the conditions of worship rather than coming before our righteous, holy Creator God. One thing to take close heed to – no matter the worship style or environment / place, true Christian worship is to always be tied to the unchanging Word of God and the leading of His Holy Spirit (John 4:23). When these truths are honored, then the Word of God serves as the anchor and the Spirit of God as the rudder for our worship experiences in our life journey. These twin pillars of truth afford us Biblical balance and spiritual discernment needed in worship – a spiritual condition which many often miss, resulting in worship that is often unbiblical and both man-made & man-led. Although there are many entranceways for Satan to enter the church, these three areas shared today serve as some of the highest target areas by our spiritual enemy and they should be guarded and defended against his assaults at all cost. So in conclusion, many may ask, "What are believers to do when (not 'if') Satan shows up in one or all of these areas in a church?" First, pray! Prayer aligns not God’s heart with our hearts, but our hearts with His heart! Prayer gives us spiritual discernment between what may be “misjudgments / misunderstandings” to “mishandlings / misrepresentations of the Holy Word/Truths of God!" Secondly, we must engage the enemy from a foundation a truth, not of self-willed ambition. The Apostle Paul teaches, “Speak the truth in love.” (Ephesians 4:15) We need to address problems in the church from a foundation of truth AND love – to do so with one without the other assures us defeat at the hands (and strategies) of our enemy! But here me clearly – if these are true areas where the enemy has occupied hearts, then you must understand clearly the dynamics of spiritual warfare which is in play, and be prepared for a real fight (battle) for the enemy wants to never lose any kingdom ground that he has claimed through the occupation of the hearts which he has been given free assess. Every believer must take heed to the wisdom shared in Ephesians 6:10-12, “Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Understand that people are not our enemy – the spirit and work of Satan and his demons through people is to be our central focus for this spiritual battle which we are called to engage in for our Lord! These battles are never promised to be easy; nor are they promised to never arise along the journey home as some seem to incorrectly preach/teach. But know that when they do arise – and they will – we can address them in full confidence in the Lord (Jeremiah 17:7), knowing with absolute certainty that regardless of the circumstances before us, we can be thankful that true victory is assured/promised to us through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! (1 Corinthians 15:57) …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video is by CCM artists Casting Crowns and can be viewed by clicking on their new song, "If We've Ever Needed You."
Today's Spirit-led video is by CCM artists Casting Crowns and can be viewed by clicking on their new song, "If We've Ever Needed You."
“We Must Enter Into Battle Against Evil” - Pt 3
As we have already seen in this devotion series, a spiritual battle is being waged in our world between good and evil, between right and wrong, between God and Satan. The Bible often uses the metaphors of military battle, fighting, and warfare to describe the real life journey of a Christian. Our call to be engaged in "Spiritual Warfare" is not optional – we must choose which side we are to fight on. Like with the War on Terror that has been valiantly waged following the evil attacks upon America on 9/11, believers must understand clearly that “no choice” (i.e. a decision to sit idle / disengaged on the sideline) is a choice that only aids our enemy, Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness! As a true child of God (Christian), we are - by God’s appointment - a soldier in the Lord’s Army of Righteousness. The Apostle Paul wrote, “As a good soldier of Christ Jesus you must endure your share of suffering (“hardship” NKJV).” (2 Timothy 2:3, CEV) Like soldiers throughout history, our orders are not always easy to follow and they often lead us directly into the crossfire of our enemy’s fiery bullets (“darts” Ephesians 6:16) which often entails suffering and at times, great hardship. Pastor / Teacher Dr. Ed Young shares that as a genuine follower of Christ, “You are under spiritual attack…in an all out spiritual war… as Satan does all he can to cause you spiritual defeat. Whether you realize it or not, you live in a spiritual war zone. It's a battle for your heart and soul. The Bible teaches that every Christian is under spiritual attack ... and Satan, as the ruler of this world, is constantly seeking the spiritual demise of every Christian.” The Apostle Paul shares that Christians need to take close heed to the spiritual battles of our time and courageously engage in this faith-fought war, “…fight well in the Lord’s battles. Cling to your faith in Christ” (1 Timothy 1:18b-19a, NLT) Do you sense the call of honor to bravely serve in the Lord’s Army? Some of you do – and you have likely experienced many victories as a result of your obedience to our Spiritual Commander-in-Chief. Others are hiding in their self-made foxholes of fear – so frozen that they can neither fight nor run, so they just sit motionless - hoping for some type of ceasefire so that they could retreat farther away from the battlefields. The reality is this - the enemy's fiery darts won’t stop trying to connect to their intended target (YOU and I); there will not be any ceasefire on this side of heaven, and the spiritual war will only continue to escalate in intensity and cost (i.e. sacrifice) until the enemy is dealt his final prophetic blow of defeat (Revelation 20:1-15). Pastor and Evangelist Greg Laurie shares the only option for a good Christian soldier, “It's time (for Christians) to get out of those foxholes. It's time to dust off your clothes, shine up your armor, and sharpen your sword. Because, like it or not, you have been drafted into God's service.” (“Ready for Battle,” 3.21.2009) There will surely be times in this on-going spiritual war when we will feel battle weary, lonely and even a sense of abandonment when many of our fellow comrades in arms choose to retreat. Despite these battle effects, we can still take comfort in knowing that there will always be the One that will be standing by our side, never abandoning nor leaving us to fight these battles alone. Hear the encouraging words of promise and strength shared with us in Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them (your enemies), for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." 1 Samuel 12:22 similarly declares, “God, simply because of who He is, is not going to walk off and leave His people.” (The Message) As soldiers of Christ, we can rest assured that our Spiritual Commander-in-Chief is with us in every battle to which He calls to engage in, “For the LORD your God is the One who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." (Deuteronomy 20:4) A quick assessment of the spiritual battlefield conditions today find sporadic victories for the God’s Kingdom, yet there are mounting losses / casualties which have been inflicted by the enemy and his demonic forces as they continue their advance into territory once firmly held by God’s Church (His Soldiers of Light). But take comfort in His Words that the battle is far from over, and that victories lie ahead for those who endure as good soldiers, “You are my chosen servant. I haven't forgotten you. Don't be afraid. I am with you. Don't tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with My arm and give you victories.” (Isaiah 41:9b-10) Now for our Lord, and for the hearts and souls of families in our community and throughout the world, let us choose to enter into this Spiritual Battle with the promise of God’s power, presence and peace! Let's go and "fight the good fight of faith!" (1 Timothy 6:12) …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artist Matt Redman can be viewed by clicking on his song, "You Never Let Go."
Following the Lord's leading, I have once again added the lyrics below to today's CCM song, "You Never Let Go" sung by Matt Redman ... nJoy & allow Christ to encourage you for the battles ahead!
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death / Your perfect love is casting out fear / And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life / I won't turn back I know you are near / And I will fear no evil / For my God is with me / And if my God is with me / Whom then shall I fear? / Whom then shall I fear? / (Chorus:) Oh no, You never let go / Through the calm and through the storm / Oh no, You never let go / In every high and every low / Oh no, You never let go / Lord, You never let go of me / And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on / A glorious light beyond all compare / And there will be an end to these troubles / But until that day comes / We'll live to know You here on the earth / (Chorus) Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on / And there will be an end to these troubles / But until that day comes / Still I will praise You, still I will praise You"
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artist Matt Redman can be viewed by clicking on his song, "You Never Let Go."
Following the Lord's leading, I have once again added the lyrics below to today's CCM song, "You Never Let Go" sung by Matt Redman ... nJoy & allow Christ to encourage you for the battles ahead!
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death / Your perfect love is casting out fear / And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life / I won't turn back I know you are near / And I will fear no evil / For my God is with me / And if my God is with me / Whom then shall I fear? / Whom then shall I fear? / (Chorus:) Oh no, You never let go / Through the calm and through the storm / Oh no, You never let go / In every high and every low / Oh no, You never let go / Lord, You never let go of me / And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on / A glorious light beyond all compare / And there will be an end to these troubles / But until that day comes / We'll live to know You here on the earth / (Chorus) Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on / And there will be an end to these troubles / But until that day comes / Still I will praise You, still I will praise You"
“We Must Enter Into Battle Against Evil” - Pt 2
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12) Every day we awake to a new day that has an invisible war raging violently all about us – a spiritual war which the Bible defines as an intense “struggle (“wrestle” Amplified Bible) … against (the) spiritual forces of evil (i.e. Satan and his demons).” At that supposition, many may ask, ”But why does Satan and the forces of evil want to rage war against me?” The answer is quite simple - as a Christian, you and I bear the very likeness of our Creator, a truth which is affirmed in Genesis 1:27, “God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him.” (Amplified Bible) We need to understand that Satan (first referred to as the archangel ‘Lucifer’) led a prideful rebellion in heaven and was solidly defeated by God (Isaiah 14:12-17). The result of this victory had God expelling Satan and 1/3rd of the angels who had followed him (referred to now as ‘demons’ = ‘fallen angels’) from heaven, never to return (Ezekiel 28:12-19). This defeat, combined with Christ’s victory upon the Cross at Calvary, has left Satan and his demons viciously determined to do everything they can to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10) anything or anyone that reflects or reminds them of the divine image of the victorious One who defeated them ... God. So if you are a genuine follower of Jesus Christ, you can be sure that you too are “Public Enemy #1” to Satan and his “spiritual forces of evil.” These spiritual enemies are committed to daily assaulting you in their attempts to defeat you (i.e. steal your spiritual victories) as a soldier in God’s Kingdom of Light. Florence Nightingale, a pioneer in nursing and professed Christian, affirmed this daily struggle when she once wrote, “Life is a hard fight, a struggle, a wrestling with the principle of evil, hand to hand, foot to foot. Every inch of the way is disputed.” Does this description of this spiritual war sound familiar to YOU … constant battles & attacks in seemingly all areas of your life (relationships, finances, health, family, job, thought life, etc.), recurring seasons of discouragement, bouts with doubt and anger or constricting worry and anxiety? These, and many others forms of attacks, are all common battle strategies which our enemy uses to fulfill his mission in destroying that which reminds him of God … God’s people (Christians)! This is the reason for the warning issued in 1 Peter 5:8, “Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up.” (The Message) The Amplified Bible of this verse reads, “Be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger (i.e. “having the insatiable appetite” which I spoke of in Pt 1 of this series)], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.” Our enemy is not playing games – he is in it to win it for his Kingdom of Darkness … and sadly he seems to be winning more victories and inflicting more casualties while capturing more territory in our day than perhaps ever before in history. Yet surprisingly, in many of today’s churches, the concept of ‘spiritual warfare’ seems to be a bit far-fetched / unrealistic and is often dismissed or briefly addressed at best. In fact, Satan would love nothing more than to convince you and I that this so called “invisible war” is completely non-existent, or that is nothing more than a skirmish reserved only for those who hold leadership positions in God’s army (e.g. Pastors, Teachers; James 3:1). These are mere lies of his that he continuously seeks to sow in the hearts and minds of God’s people just as God’s Word warns us - “(Satan) has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44, NLT) So as Christians, you and I must listen to the “Voice of Truth” that tells us that we have a real archenemy (Satan) who leads a real army of demons who daily fight against us in a real war (‘Spiritual Warfare,’ Ephesians 6:12) with battle orders to destroy Christians and their witness of God’s Son, Jesus! Let's answer God's call to arms in this raging battle today and "fight the good fight of faith!"(1 Timothy 6:12) …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artist Stephen Curtis Chapman and can be viewed by clicking on the on one of his classic songs, "Bring It On."
Following the Lord's leading, I have added the lyrics below to today's CCM song, "Bring It On" sung by Stephen Curtis Chapman ... nJoy & allow Christ to encourage you for the battles ahead!
"I didn’t come lookin’ for trouble / And I don’t want to fight needlessly / But I’m not gonna hide in a bubble / If trouble comes for me / I can feel my heart beating faster / I can tell something’s coming down / But if it’s gonna make me grow stronger then…Bring it on / Let the lightning flash, let the thunder roll, let the storm winds blow / Bring it on / Let the trouble come, let the hard rain fall, let it make me strong / Bring it on / Now, maybe you’re thinkin’ I’m crazy / And maybe I need to explain some things / Cause I know I’ve got an enemy waiting / Who wants to bring me pain / But what he never seems to remember / What he means for evil God works for good / So I will not retreat or surrender / Now, I don’t want to sound like some hero / Cause it’s God alone that my hope is in / But I’m not gonna run from the very things / That would drive me closer to Him / So bring it on / Bring it on / Let the lightning flash, let the thunder roll, let the storm winds blow / Bring it on / Let the trouble come, let it make me fall on the One who’s strong / Bring it on / Let the lightning flash, let the thunder roll, let the storm winds blow / Bring it on / Let me be made weak so I’ll know the strength of the One who’s strong / Bring it on / Bring it on!"
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artist Stephen Curtis Chapman and can be viewed by clicking on the on one of his classic songs, "Bring It On."
Following the Lord's leading, I have added the lyrics below to today's CCM song, "Bring It On" sung by Stephen Curtis Chapman ... nJoy & allow Christ to encourage you for the battles ahead!
"I didn’t come lookin’ for trouble / And I don’t want to fight needlessly / But I’m not gonna hide in a bubble / If trouble comes for me / I can feel my heart beating faster / I can tell something’s coming down / But if it’s gonna make me grow stronger then…Bring it on / Let the lightning flash, let the thunder roll, let the storm winds blow / Bring it on / Let the trouble come, let the hard rain fall, let it make me strong / Bring it on / Now, maybe you’re thinkin’ I’m crazy / And maybe I need to explain some things / Cause I know I’ve got an enemy waiting / Who wants to bring me pain / But what he never seems to remember / What he means for evil God works for good / So I will not retreat or surrender / Now, I don’t want to sound like some hero / Cause it’s God alone that my hope is in / But I’m not gonna run from the very things / That would drive me closer to Him / So bring it on / Bring it on / Let the lightning flash, let the thunder roll, let the storm winds blow / Bring it on / Let the trouble come, let it make me fall on the One who’s strong / Bring it on / Let the lightning flash, let the thunder roll, let the storm winds blow / Bring it on / Let me be made weak so I’ll know the strength of the One who’s strong / Bring it on / Bring it on!"
"We Must Enter Into Battle Against Evil" - Pt 1
“…We are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed.” (Titus 2:12-13, NLT) Our local community has been reminded in the last two weeks of just how evil this world in which live is becoming. On September 8th, 22-year old Pfc. James Fleet McClamrock, a hometown soldier from Concord, NC, was killed in Iraq when a U.S.-trained member of the Iraqi army suddenly opened fire, killing him and a fellow U.S. Army soldier. Then the 23-year-old daughter of our local Police Chief in Concord, mysteriously missing since September 15th, was tragically found in a Self-Storage Room in nearby Charlotte, allegedly murdered by a 34-year-old man who is a convicted sex offender and who has a “criminal rap sheet” that should have had him placed behind bars long ago. These two local headlines have brought a fresh reminder of two truths: first, “the days (in which we are living) are evil” (Ephesians 5:16); and secondly, there are many people in this world who are truly wicked and who selfishly have no problem in bringing harm, or even death, upon their fellow man. Of the wicked, God’s Word sternly warns us in Psalms 10:8-9 of their evil, destructive tactics, “They hide outside villages, waiting to strike and murder some innocent victim. They are hungry lions hiding in the bushes, hoping to catch some helpless passerby.” (CEV) In light of this real and present danger, our text today instructs us to “live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness and devotion to God.” Ephesians 5:15 similarly declares, “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully … not as the unwise …but as wise (i.e. in godly wisdom).” Let me state one thing with absolute clarity – just because you live a righteous life with godly purpose does not excuse you from the attacks and influence of the evil one (Satan). John 10:10 reminds us that Satan’s mission is to “steal, kill and destroy” anyone and anything that reflects the heart / witness of Jesus Christ and His kingdom. As Christians, we must acknowledge that the very ground upon which we stand is a spiritual battlefield in the midst of a fierce war that is violently raging all about us. The assessment of this spiritual war is that there are many who lie critically wounded all around us – some injured due to improper training, others injured from friendly fire while others lie wounded from the effective targeting of the enemy’s vicious attacks (i.e. he studies and knows our weaknesses very well). Sadly, a growing number of others have become so frightened of this war that the have left the battlefield all together and are now listed as AWOL (Absent Without Leave) from God’s orders to “fight the good fight of faith!” (1 Timothy 6:12) Incredibly, there are still others which live in denial that this spiritual war - forewarned to us in the Bible - even exists at all! The Apostle Paul reminds us of the seriousness of this spiritual battle and the reality that every believer, through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, is fully equipped with powerful weapons to fight this formidable enemy, Satan who was at one time - lest we ever forget - an angelic ally with God in Heaven (Ezekiel 28:12-19). Paul writes, “God is strong, and he wants you (to be) strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels (now called ‘demons’).” (Ephesians 6:10-12, The Message) Today’s Truth Quest challenges us to answer this simple, yet revealing question, “Where do you truly stand?” God calls each of us, as His “Warriors for Christ,” to “stand firm against all strategies of the devil!” (Ephesians 6:11, NLT) The Apostle Peter strongly cautions us to, “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith.” (1 Peter 5:8-9a) So before the sun rests on this day, I invite you to know with certainty of heart where you spiritually stand for the days in which we are living are truly filled with an evil that has an insatiable appetite for the destruction of God’s people (His Church) and the Kingdom of God which we are called to advance! A Call to Arms has been issued by our Supreme Commander-in-Chief … may we each answer the call!
Special Note: For the past 7 weeks, the Lord has led me to study His Word for deeper insights into the arena of “Spiritual Warfare.” Spoken about in today’s Truth Quest, I feel the Lord would have me continue this truth journey and to begin a new devotional series detailing Biblical precepts which are vital to understand if we are to be victorious on the battlefields of this life!
Today's Spirit-led video is a "Battle Cry" for Every Believer ... listen with your heart and respond in obedience to God's invitation to "put on the armor of God" (Ephesians 6:11) and join Him in today's Spiritual War for the hearts and souls of families throughout this nation and all around the world!
Special Note: For the past 7 weeks, the Lord has led me to study His Word for deeper insights into the arena of “Spiritual Warfare.” Spoken about in today’s Truth Quest, I feel the Lord would have me continue this truth journey and to begin a new devotional series detailing Biblical precepts which are vital to understand if we are to be victorious on the battlefields of this life!
Today's Spirit-led video is a "Battle Cry" for Every Believer ... listen with your heart and respond in obedience to God's invitation to "put on the armor of God" (Ephesians 6:11) and join Him in today's Spiritual War for the hearts and souls of families throughout this nation and all around the world!
"Surface Strength or Deep Integrity?"
“The Lord searches all the earth for people who have given themselves completely (“who are fully committed” NIV) to Him. He wants to make them strong.” (2 Chronicles 16:9, NLT) “Fully devoted – Fully Committed” – that is the divine standard set by God in being a genuine follower of His Son, Jesus. Set forth for the First Century Christian Church, that same standard remains unchanged today for every believer of the 21st Century Church. Yet it seems that depth of commitment for many in the Christian community has become a rarity in our day and time – many just want to be “partially committed / devoted,” that is if they even care to be committed / devoted at all! I recall a devotion that I read last year which detailed the tenacious resolve one young pastor in Zimbabwe, Africa held in being a “fully committed follower” of Jesus Christ. From this pastor’s personal journal, he once wrote, “The die has been cast. I have (now) stepped over the line. The decision has been made – I’m a disciple of His. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still (i.e. be inactive / lazy.) My past is redeemed, my present makes sense and my future is secure. I’m finished with low living, sight walking, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals. I no longer need preeminence, position, promotions, plaudits (i.e. applause / recognition) or popularity. I don’t have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded. I now live by faith, depending on His presence, walking by patience, am uplifted by prayer and labor with (His) power.” Now that’s the kind of servant’s heart which the Lord says in today’s text that He is looking to strengthen – a believer who is wholeheartedly (fully) committed to following God’s Will God’s Way. Sadly, this young pastor would later go on to be martyred for His uncompromising faith in following Christ in the very land to which He was called to carry the living Gospel! This does not mean that all of us who choose to become a fully committed Christ follower will suffer the same fate – but it also does not rule that out. After his saving conversion on the road to Damascus (Acts 9), the Apostle Paul demonstrated his depth of commitment when he declared, “For me to live is Christ [His life in me], and to die is gain [the gain of the glory of eternity].” (Philippians 1:21, Amplified Bible) Paul said that no matter what ever happened to him while living out his life for Christ, that he would be a winner (also read 2 Corinthians 11:23-33)! What a powerful attitude and even greater witness of a servant’s love and commitment to Christ and His kingdom work. What is YOUR personal level of commitment today to following Jesus Christ in lieu of 1 Kings 8:61 which declares, “Your hearts must be fully committed to the Lord our God, to live by His decrees and obey His commands.” Take a few moments today and ask God to examine your heart and to reveal to you exactly where your commitment to Him stands – is there great spiritual depth in your faith life in Him so that He can enable you to persevere the many trials and challenges in this journey of life, or does your faith just hold a surface strength which looks good to others, but really has no longevity ('no persevering power;’ Matthew 7:21-27)? Let’s start this new week with a renewed commitment to give our “ALL” to Him! …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artists Phillips, Craig & Dean and can be viewed by clicking on the on their classic song, "Crucified with Christ."
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artists Phillips, Craig & Dean and can be viewed by clicking on the on their classic song, "Crucified with Christ."
"What's on Your Back?"
“Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail).” (Psalms 55:22, Amplified Bible) Many of the families which I speak to today share that they feel so overwhelmed, so heavily burdened by the oppressive weight of today’s myriad of problems – political divisiveness / strife, economic woes, broken relationships, abounding immorality and a spiritual apathy that seems to be spreading throughout the hearts of God’s people at an epidemic rate. Sadly, many of us feel compelled to carry these burdens ourselves in lieu of releasing them over to the Lord as His Word tells us to do in 1 Peter 5:7, “(Cast) the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.” (Amplified Bible) That reminds me of a story I once read of a man who was walking down a country road while carrying a heavy load of grain upon his shoulders. Another man in a horse-drawn wagon saw him and shouted, "Hey mister, do you need a ride?" The man gladly accepted his gracious offer and got in the wagon, but he kept the load of grain on his shoulder. After traveling a short distance down the road, the wagon driver said to the man, "You know you can put that load of grain down in my wagon, relax and just enjoy the journey!" But the man answered with strong conviction, "Oh no. It's enough to ask you to carry me without having you carry this added burden as well." Does that sound like any of you – I know it does me at times when it comes to releasing my burdens “fully” over to the Lord. Our truth text today from God’s Word clearly promises that God will surely help us carry whatever burdens we have in this life’s journey if we would only let Him have them. Listen to The Message translation of this same verse, “Pile your troubles on God's shoulders— He'll carry your load, He'll help you out.” Sadly, many of us stubbornly choose to hold on to our burdens and carry them ourselves, even if that results in our being weighed down to the dangerous point of exhaustion (i.e. “Burnout” – the very topic we just spoke of in a 4-part message series). God warns us of the dangers of trying to carry our burdens ourselves in Luke 21:34 when He declares, “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with … the anxieties (burdens / worries) of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.”(NLT) The Amplified Bible translates this text to read, “Be on your guard, lest your hearts be overburdened and depressed (weighed down) with … headache and nausea of … worldly worries and cares.” (emphasis mine) I suppose that is why the picture of this mule hanging in the air is so amusing to me – it truly represents the spiritual state of many of us when our burdens outweigh our willingness to freely give them over for God to handle (‘carry for us’). Let me close with one final illustration - a guy once saw an ant carrying a piece of straw much larger than he (the ant) was. The man thought, "How interesting that the little ant can carry something so much larger than himself." So he watched the ant with much fascination. As he watched the ant, the ant came to a crevice in the ground. The crevice was too big for him to go down into and it was too wide for him to safely cross. The ant paused for a moment – then took the straw and laid it down over the crevice. He then walked across the straw and then picked up the straw from the other side and went on his merry way. The man thought to himself, "Isn’t that something - the little ant turned his burden into a bridge.” Similarly, when we choose to let God take all – not just some - of our burdens, then He will divinely use them to build bridges across otherwise impassable “life crevices” that we are sure to encounter in our life journey of becoming more like our glorious Savior, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:22, TM)! …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video, "Lay 'Em Down" is by the CCM group NeedtoBreathe! ... nJoy the gift of music & praise!
The Dire Need for Spiritual Pioneers in Today’s Church
“There's so much more. Let's get on with it!” Hebrews 6:3 (The Message) Back in the early founding days of this great nation of ours, America had two types of people – settlers and pioneers. Settlers brought order and stability to areas that were being settled by the early colonists of America. Pioneers however stayed on the move, trekking across new frontiers, exploring new territories and finding many of the treasures this new blessed land held. Without pioneers the great expansion of America from the East Coast to the West Coast would have never been accomplished. Pioneers are folks who inherently bring about needed change, and for many, change can be a truly unsettling concept to undertake. Noted car maker Henry Ford once described the type of employees that he was seeking for his new company, “I’m looking for people with an infinite capacity for not knowing what can’t be done.” Pause for a moment and re-read that statement and reflect on how it encapsulates the true spirit of a pioneer’s heart – one who is willing to boldly go where no one has gone before (“Okay, calm down all you Trekkies that suddenly began singing the original Star Trek theme)! In the 21st Century, many have let go of that ‘pioneer spirit.’ Case in point – we are about to end our nation’s Space Shuttle Program without having a replacement space vehicle … for what may be a decade or more, we will have to “pay” the Russians to ‘catch a ride into space’ at a price tag twice that of the current rate it takes with our Shuttle Program. Try and figure out that foolish logic! Sadly, many have come to believe that space exploration has little merit / potential for great gain, so they have decided to squash that explorer’s tenacious spirit that began in the 1950’s due to fear, economic costs and the loss of passion to push ahead into the unknown realm of space. Were it not for the ingenuity, accomplishments and great sacrifices of NASA astronauts, engineers and technicians which fueled our historic race to space from the 1950s to today, much of the technologies that we so commonly now enjoy - digital electronics, medicines, miniaturized TVs and computers - may have not yet been developed. When it comes to the 21st Church, a majority of Christ’s body have similarly determined that it is safer, more comfortable and less risky to stay right where they are (i.e. as a settler) than to pioneer new inroads to carry the message of the Gospel to unexplored / untapped areas of new missions / ministries. The reason for this has to do with the mindset of many of today’s believers. One pastor explains, “The contemporary church (today) has rejected the opportunity to be pioneers, opting instead to be simply a settlement. The church today sees itself primarily as a fortress to which believers can retreat from the pains and disappointments of daily living. The church today sees itself as an exclusive club created for the satisfaction of the believer’s social needs. The church today sees itself as a cloister (place of seclusion) designed primarily for the enrichment of the individual Christian’s personal piety, nothing more. The church today sees itself as a settlement of safety amidst the dangers and difficulties of our contemporary culture…The church (today) has become a settlement whose primary purpose is to take care of its residents rather than a community of pioneering pilgrims blazing a trail for the Kingdom of God.” I wholeheartedly understand and agree with the heart of this pastor’s discerning assessment of many of today’s churches. You see, God has created me to be a “spiritual pioneer” for the Kingdom of God and that is reflected by my heart in my ministry to others. I love challenging God’s people to step “out of the box” of man-made traditions. I love exposing the emptiness of religion while sharing how to receive God’s divine filling through a daily, love relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. I love to keep spiritually moving, to daily climb higher up the glorious mountain of God – a undertaking that demands courage, focus and a firm attachment to “the Rock” (i.e. Jesus Christ, Psalms 19:14) at all times! And I so deeply desire for others to join alongside me on the spiritual quest to ascend to greater heights of faith every new day. Pastor Dale Satrum of Foothills Community Church in Oregon shares this same passion in an entry he wrote on his blog back on September 4, 2008, “We (Christians) are NOT just hanging on until Jesus comes. We are on a journey with Jesus. We are heading to a better place; but in the meantime, we must be willing to keep moving, embrace the risks, endure some hardships, and keep traveling together living by faith. God has NOT called us to be settlers. Settlers play it safe, embrace security, try to protect what they have, and have stopped moving forward. This certainly does not reflect God’s heart for His people or for His church.” As God’s people, His Church, we must understand that we all are to be on a great adventure with Him and with those willing to sojourn together. Like the pioneers during our nation’s founding years, we must stay moving just as they did, all the while touching hearts and impacting lives through the love and compassion of Christ which we carry as a treasure within us (2 Corinthians 4:7). So take a few moments and reflect over whether you truly desire to serve in a modern day “settler church” – a church which is set in its ways, locked into its man-made traditions (Mark 7:8-9), and which refuses the divine call to change (“be transformed - completely changed;” Romans 12:2) for anyone or anything – or in a modern day "pioneer church" – a church that is fully committed to spending its life, however long that season may be, on the road of genuine faith, seeking new lands, following the lead of the Trail Boss (God), and watching with great excitement and wonder where He will lead them. Which group will YOU choose to fully commit to journey with in this great, exciting adventure called LIFE? Despite the fears of the unknown, the growing challenges of our day, the increasing intensity of the spiritual battles which surround us ... will you commit to “keep moving” with a pioneer’s heart, giving God your absolute best, or will you choose instead to remain on the crowded sidelines which are filled with "settler saints" who chose to quit long before seeing God’s best come out in and through their life journey with Him? The choice lies in the very heart of your attitude (Philippians 2:5) …Selah!
In lieu of a CCM video/song, today I felt led of the Lord to share a most powerful clip from one of the best Christian movies made, "Facing the Giants."
In lieu of a CCM video/song, today I felt led of the Lord to share a most powerful clip from one of the best Christian movies made, "Facing the Giants."
“Battling the Burnout Beast – Pt 4 of 4”
Often in this journey of life, we set off on a path that we feel led to traverse, yet we quickly encounter conflicting road signs that try to send us in many different directions – directions designed to subtly guide us farther away from the narrow, God-given path (i.e. His Will) which our Lord has ordained for us to travel. But our faithful God offers His timeless wisdom for all of our journeys in Psalms 37:34 when He declares, “Travel steadily along (My) path.” (NLT) This ‘travel tip’ is similarly echoed in Proverbs 16:9 which declares, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines (directs) his steps (i.e. guides our travels).” My last devotional entry, prepared in early July, was the 3rd part in this timely series on “Battling the Burnout Beast.” ‘My’ plans had me writing the fourth entry in this series the following day – yet God directed me to take a “PAUSE” (i.e. put this devotional series on hold) while He led me down a unique path that would demand every physical, emotional and spiritual ounce of energy from me in order that it be completed. He gave me the “Noahic Summer Project” assignment of painting my house – just He and I! For some of you that may sound a little silly and not really too spiritual – but let me assure you that when God speaks and directs you to undertake a task / assignment of His leading, then we must be responsively obedient! In lieu of my physical health thorns, and the intense struggles surrounding our family’s current season of life, this was truly a “God-sized assignment.” And it also came during some of the hottest summer days which we have seen locally in many years. But for nearly five weeks, I climbed ladders to heights beyond my “comfort limits,” I scraped away pounds of old, bubbled-up paint chips and I cleaned and re-cleaned numerous paint brushes as I seemingly used up enough paint to fill a backyard swimming pool – well, at least it seemed that way! But seriously, through this summer project, God spoke to my heart as He gave me a renewed sense of confidence some basic Biblical truths – first, despite any of my personal limitations, He Himself has no limitations and secondly. we – as His children - can do far more than we often expect or even attempt to do when we fully surrender to receiving His strength in lieu of leaning upon our own. From Philippians 4:13 in the Amplified Bible, the Apostle Paul reminds us of this divine confidence which is available to every genuine believer in the Lord –“I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].” It is in this divine strength that we find our true healing from the challenges, pains and disappointments of our yesterdays while instilling a renewed sense of HOPE for all of our tomorrows. From the very first section on the first day that I began painting, the task before me seemed so insurmountable. Like with our own lives, we often yield to the frustrating state of focusing on the tasks / areas that remain unfinished and less upon the areas/tasks which we the Lord has already enabled us to complete. Misdirected focus in our perspective can sometimes lead us to travel down the path of frustration and ungratefulness – assuredly a dead-end path that holds no divine benefit nor kingdom value! But as every day passed, I could see a little more of the ‘Goliath-sized’ project completed and I would derive joy from that day’s accomplishment with gratefulness of heart to the Lord. Moment by moment, the hot days would pass into weeks as I watched more of my house be transformed into its new appearance. What I thought to be so amazing was the depth of spiritual truth which He often revealed to me during this painting project and the sense of reward that I received from Him when I finally completed painting ALL of my house – a task that actually took place twice (i.e. ‘One coat paint’ isn’t always ‘One coat paint’ – a truth I will reserve for another day’s devotion!) We don’t always get to see the “finished product” of the investments and efforts that are entailed in our life ministry /service to others. But His Word reminds us in 1 Corinthians 15:58b, “Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless (‘your labor in the Lord is not in vain’).” (NLT) My perspective during this entire project was from the sense that I was painting “the Lord’s house” for it is He who truly provides for our family, just as He does for all of our needs (aka - Jehovah Jireh). That Biblical perspective demanded that I give my very best in this task – day by day, brush stroke by brush stroke despite the heat, the pains, or the challenges that often seemed to overwhelm me to the point that I wanted at times just to quit / give up (Psalms 31:24 declares, “Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up!” TM). But whether we are painting a house, cleaning toilets (e.g. an assignment I was given early on during my service on a Hurricane Katrina Disaster Mission back in 2005), working in our daily jobs, sharing an encouraging note with a neighbor/friend or serving in our church, Colossians 3:23-24a teaches us, “Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [and not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your [real] reward.” (Amplified Bible) So as I reflect upon this “Noahic Summer Project,” I can share that the Lord has helped me to better understand that His plan for our defeating the “Burnout Beast” entails an intense spiritual battle that will take time, courage, persistency and complete trust in the Lord for His strength which will only be released when we believe in both His promises to us found in His Word and receive His gift of HOPE that will carry us to the divine land of renewal and restoration. Although our victory in any type of life battle is promised through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57), we, like the Israelites as they entered the Promise Land, will have to fight (i.e. engage the enemies of God) for that promised victory using only the weaponry of God (2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Ephesians 6:10-18). Just as David could only defeat Goliath in the Lord’s strength (1 Samuel 17), we too will only defeat the “Burnout Beast” when we fully surrender the battle over to the Lord and stop trying to fight it in our own strength or with our limited realm of understanding. One final note - despite the ‘feelings’ of loneliness that often accompanies a season of burnout, you and I need to be reminded of the Lord’s assured presence which He promises in His Word, “I am with you always …. I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” (Matthew 28:20b, Hebrews 13:5 (NLT)) Something I found to be amazing during my painting project was an unseasonable cool breeze would seem to come out of nowhere and refresh me at the moment I felt weakest and when the heat of the day was often the most intense – a unique divine reminder to me of the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence (John 3:8). Just as David knew the Lord was with him as he faced his Goliath, I pray that each of us may share in that same confidence as we battle and defeat the Goliaths of our day (e.g. “Burnout Beast”) through the strength and might that only comes from our glorious Lord Jesus! …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artists Robbie Seay Band and can be viewed by clicking on the on the song title, "Song of HOPE."
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artists Robbie Seay Band and can be viewed by clicking on the on the song title, "Song of HOPE."
As a way to more effectively capture the spiritual heart of this deeper pursuit of God's Holy Word, our regular postings of the WOTDs (Word of the Days) will undergo a name change beginning on our next posting. Instead of WOTDs, these ministry postings will now be entitled ...
"Truth Quest." Like with the previous WOTDs, these spiritual journeys - under the leading of the Holy Spirit - will be grounded upon the unchanging and timeless Word of God and will guide us as together we traverse both familiar territories and new areas yet uncharted on this lifelong journey up the Mountain of God!
“Battling the Burnout Beast – Pt 3”
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk (journey) with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company (personal fellowship) with Me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."(Matthew 11:28-30, The Message) Throughout history, many soldiers have experienced “battle fatigue” from the constant physical, emotional and psychological pressures of combat. In World War II, an estimated 10% of the men in combat developed “battle fatigue” which is clinically defined as a neuropsychiatric disorder which involves intense stress and physical-mental exhaustion that leaves a soldier unable to carry out his/her regular duties. Similarly, “battle fatigue” accounts for mounting losses in the membership ranks of the body of Christ (His Church) today unlike ever before. This “spiritual battle fatigue” is expressed in the physical, mental and spiritual weariness of one’s daily walk with Christ, a condition that yields a deep sense of loss in one’s commitment and loyalty to their church and ministry service as well as in their faith (trust) in the Lord. For various reasons, many Christians today have become fatigued, exhausted and even disillusioned to the point that many just want to be left alone – they are unable and incapable to effectively fight upon life’s many spiritual battlefields! Ephesians 6:10-18 explains that as Christians, we each are in a spiritual battle not just for our own eternal lives, but for the eternity of our family, friends, neighbors … for our fellow man. 1 Timothy 6:12 declares that every Christian is to "fight the good fight of faith." Satan wants nothing more than for you and I to quit this battle – to give up (stop fighting) and leave the war that is raging so intensely throughout today’s world. In 2 Timothy 2:3-4 we read the following: "You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who enlisted (spiritually recruited) him as a soldier." Being a soldier for Christ was NEVER promised to be an easy assignment. We see more and more soldiers in our generation choosing NOT to “endure / persevere” at their assigned spiritual posts. Romans 12:11 declares, “Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder.” (The Message) Hebrews 12:1 declares to every soldier of God, “…Never quit!” (The Message) Tragically, over one-third of the membership of today’s church have left for various reasons (i.e. left their spiritual unit / places of service and walked off the battlefields). Many have become "weary in well doing" (2 Thessalonians 3:13). Speaking with a church friend just yesterday, his assessment for this trend was simple, yet profoundly confirming: “I think many people today are just giving up….” This intense warfare with the ‘demon of weariness’ (aka – ‘burnout beast’) is indeed inflicting mounting casualties today. Yet many of these battlefield conditions today – though challenging and costly as they are - are not unique to our generation. The holy scriptures record many men and women who shared in challenging battlefield conditions in their lives as well. The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah complained about the distress and persecution he faced because of his ‘obedience’ to proclaiming God's Word. The people of Judah did not want to hear God's truth / message where He pointed out their sin and His coming judgement (the consequences of their unrepentance). The people tormented Jeremiah because he faithfully shared a message from God that was both unpopular and unwanted by most. These conditions led Jeremiah to become disillusioned and discouraged in his ministry service for the Lord to the point that he cried out in deep frustration, "I will not make mention of Him, nor speak any more in His name." (Jeremiah 20:9a) Jeremiah was suffering from “spiritual battle fatigue” and wanted to simply give up / walk away from his spiritual orders / assignment. Thankfully with God’s help, Jeremiah overcame his battlefield fatigue by focusing on the divine call of the Lord that burned within his very soul, “…His Word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!” (Jeremiah 20:9b, NLT) Sadly, as I shared in Pt 1 of this devotional series, many are choosing not to return to that ‘fire in the belly’ that once raged so brightly in their lives and instead they are opting to leave the battlefields to become a part of the growing trend of spiritual AWOLs (recall from pt 1 in this series - over 3,500 a day leave the church and 1,700 pastors leave each month). Are you a Spiritual AWOL? Are you contemplating going AWOL in the upcoming future? What we need is a lifering of HOPE that is found only in the eternal promises of God’s Word! Take a few moments to review Pts 1 & 2 of this devotional series. Ask the Lord to guide you in assessing where you stand … either tenaciously engaging the enemy upon the battlefields of life, or running away from the spiritual battles which we are called to enter? Tomorrow we will “dive deeper” in seeking how believers stricken by “battle fatigue” (aka – ‘burnout’) can recover so that we – you and me – do not become a part of those going AWOL on the Lord and on His spiritual army (His Church). The same instructions that the Lord will share with us will not only help us avoid going AWOL, but can also help those who may already be AWOL today return to their divine duty in serving the Lord and His people with kingdom passion, purpose and power! I invite you to again join alongside as we journey across this mountain together! …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artists Phil Wickham/Bart Millard can be viewed by clicking on the on the song title, "Safe."
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artists Phil Wickham/Bart Millard can be viewed by clicking on the on the song title, "Safe."
“Battling the Burnout Beast – Pt 2”
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk (journey) with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company (personal fellowship) with Me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."(Matthew 11:28-30, The Message) We hear the term ‘burnout’ more frequently these days, let’s make sure we understand what that term truly means. Webster-Merriam’s Online dictionary defines ‘burnout’ to be “exhaustion of physical or emotional strength usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.” What is interesting is that as Christians, we each have renewable strength which is daily made available through our own walk (journey) with our Heavenly Father. Psalms 29:11 declares, “The Lord gives strength to His people …” In Isaiah 40:29, the prophet Isaiah recorded this same promise,, “The Lord gives strength to those who are weary.” Then comes the writings of Paul in Philippians 4:13 which infuse heavenly confidence into our soul with these words, “Christ gives me the strength to face anything!” (CEV) Life is indeed HARD … this is not a breaking headline that needs to be scrolling across the latest news bar on FoxNews! I think what makes life uniquely challenging even more for today’s generation is that we are simply overrun with far too many choices … so many that if we leave a moment here or there unguarded (i.e. a moment of vulnerability), they (i.e. our poor, unwise choices) can sneak in and rob of us of our focus, our strength and our will (tenacity to press forward) – the term for this soul-threatening condition is called “weariness.” In his book, Leading On Empty (2009, pp. 94), Pastor Wayne Cordeiro writes, “It’s no accident that the Evil One came calling in our Savior’s moment of human vulnerability (“physically hungry” after 40-day fast in desert; Luke 4:2-3). That’s his usual plan of attack. That’s Temptation 101. The adversary lurks in the shadows of vulnerable moments in our lives. Like an uncomplaining sniper squatting in a darkened second-story room, he squints patiently into his high-powered scope, waiting for an opportune time to squeeze off a (“potentially deadly,” John 10:10) shot at his unsuspecting target.” Every Christian is a Soldier of Light for the Lord; thus, every soldier in the Lord’s army is a prospective target by our archenemy, Satan! That is why 1 Peter 5:8 adamantly warns every believer, “Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack.” We need to heed the wisdom of Proverbs 4:23 which admonishes, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” (NLT) This is why Paul directs us to put on the “full armor of God” in Ephesians 6:10-17 so that our hearts and our minds are not left unguarded which would expose us to a potentially deadly strike / attack by our enemy. Battling the Burnout Beast is truly a real battle that is on-going all around us – a battle that has mounting casualties every day! One of the most important steps to ensuring victory in this battle is our maintaining a laser-like focus upon our Spiritual Commander-in-Chief, our life mission and the very ones we are called to defend – our families, our communities and our nation! Pastor Cordeiro shares, “Knowing the remedy (i.e. Lord’s battle plan) doesn’t necessarily complete the healing; the difference comes when we apply it! Reading the menu doesn’t fill you up; eating the food does!” (Leading on Empty, pp. 87) The problem with so many choices today is that it preoccupies our focus in an attempt to keep us from applying the Lord’s commands / directives to our lives – moving our focus instead off of the strategic areas of our faith (our readiness) and placing it upon areas of much lesser importance in life. But as the Apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 15:58, every soldier of the Lord can “thank God for letting our Lord Jesus Christ give us the victory” (CEV) in this tenacious battle with the Burnout Beast! That does not remove the reality of the great number who are engaged in this battle today – but it does assure us that we can proclaim our promised victory to the enemy’s face because, “(This) battle is the Lord’s!” (1 Samuel 17:47).
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artist Jeremy Camp and it can be viewed by clicking on the on the song title, "Healing Hand of God."
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artist Jeremy Camp and it can be viewed by clicking on the on the song title, "Healing Hand of God."
“Battling the Burnout Beast – Pt 1”
“Aware that His disciples were grumbling …, Jesus said to them, "…The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray Him. (Jesus) went on to say, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled him." From this time many of His disciples turned back and no longer followed Him.” (John 6:64-66, emphasis mine)
21st Century Shepherds (i.e. pastors) receive the same assignment from the Lord which the 1st Century Shepherds received … “to equip workers (believers, God’s church) for the divine work of their personal ministries and the ministries of His Church” (Ephesians 4:11-12). Sadly, a growing number of those in His Church today seem to have little to no interest in this divine undertaking. In fact, many professing ‘Christians’ across our nation are turning and walking away from their faith journey with the Lord and with His Church (“His Bride,” Ephesians 5:25-27) at record numbers, a statistical trend that is reaping the spiritual consequences that come with a "Runaway Bride.” Recent studies affirm the devastating impact of this trend:
- Throughout America over 3,500 people a day left the church last year.
- Although 4,000 new churches begin each year, well over 7,000 churches close each year (leaving a spiritual void / deficit in our local communities that is expanding every year).
Although our life text for today's WOTD affirms this trend began well before our generation, the growing numbers today have left many church leaders simply bewildered. For many of those shepherds who are seeking to faithfully serve the Lord in their divine calling amidst these challenging times, this spiritual malady weighs heavily upon their hearts. Seeing more and more “professing” Christians resolve themselves to live as “partially-devoted followers” rather than as “fully devoted followers of Christ” (2 Chronicles 16:9) has a tremendously negative impact upon their ministry callings: increases their stress levels, demands longer work hours, produces greater frustrations, all of which incur a high toll upon them physically (their health), spiritually (their personal journey of faith) and emotionally (their overall well-being). Listen to some of the findings that were revealed in the recent studies cited above:
- 90% of the pastors report working between 55 to 75 hours per week.
- 80% believe pastoral ministry has negatively affected their families. Many pastor's children do not attend church now because of what the church has done to their parents.
- The profession of “Pastor” is near the bottom of a recent survey of the most-respected professions in America, coming in just above “car salesman.”
- 70% of pastors constantly fight depression.
- 70% of pastors feel grossly underpaid, and many are left to serve without any pay at all.
- 50% of the ministers starting out will not last 5 years in ministry service.
- Only 1 out of every 10 ministers will actually retire as a minister in some form.
- Over 1,700 pastors left the ministry every month last year.
- Over 1,300 pastors were terminated by the local church each month. (some with Biblical merit, many without merit)
- 94% of clergy families feel the negative pressures of the pastor's ministry is increasing today.
- 80% of spouses feel the pastor is overworked and unappreciated for his service and sacrifices.
- 80% spouses themselves feel left out and underappreciated by many of their fellow church members.
- And sadly, over 80% of pastors' spouses wish their spouse would choose a different profession.
(Statistics shared above provided by The Fuller Institute, George Barna, and Pastoral Care Inc.)
For many of you, the shared statistics above may come as a surprising revelation to the reality of just how many pastors and church leaders are truly struggling today. At some point in the church’s journey, we’ve stopped allowing our leaders to be ‘human’ and have demanded, whether knowingly or unknowingly, for them to ‘super saints’ who are to have an endless supply of energy, time, patience, vision and strength amidst the difficult days ("perilous times" 2 Timothy 3:1-7) of serving as one of God’s chosen leaders "for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14). Because of this unhealthy and unbiblical level of demand, many church leaders – especially shepherds – continue to serve “in silence” with many of these struggles, often in fear of having their church members unjustly see them as “failures” or “unqualified leaders” of their flocks. This disastrous trend must be acknowledged and lovingly addressed in churches across our nation if our churches are to be effective beacons of God’s love, grace and forgiveness in the tumultuous times of the 21st Century in which we are living.
21st Century Shepherds (i.e. pastors) receive the same assignment from the Lord which the 1st Century Shepherds received … “to equip workers (believers, God’s church) for the divine work of their personal ministries and the ministries of His Church” (Ephesians 4:11-12). Sadly, a growing number of those in His Church today seem to have little to no interest in this divine undertaking. In fact, many professing ‘Christians’ across our nation are turning and walking away from their faith journey with the Lord and with His Church (“His Bride,” Ephesians 5:25-27) at record numbers, a statistical trend that is reaping the spiritual consequences that come with a "Runaway Bride.” Recent studies affirm the devastating impact of this trend:
- Throughout America over 3,500 people a day left the church last year.
- Although 4,000 new churches begin each year, well over 7,000 churches close each year (leaving a spiritual void / deficit in our local communities that is expanding every year).
Although our life text for today's WOTD affirms this trend began well before our generation, the growing numbers today have left many church leaders simply bewildered. For many of those shepherds who are seeking to faithfully serve the Lord in their divine calling amidst these challenging times, this spiritual malady weighs heavily upon their hearts. Seeing more and more “professing” Christians resolve themselves to live as “partially-devoted followers” rather than as “fully devoted followers of Christ” (2 Chronicles 16:9) has a tremendously negative impact upon their ministry callings: increases their stress levels, demands longer work hours, produces greater frustrations, all of which incur a high toll upon them physically (their health), spiritually (their personal journey of faith) and emotionally (their overall well-being). Listen to some of the findings that were revealed in the recent studies cited above:
- 90% of the pastors report working between 55 to 75 hours per week.
- 80% believe pastoral ministry has negatively affected their families. Many pastor's children do not attend church now because of what the church has done to their parents.
- The profession of “Pastor” is near the bottom of a recent survey of the most-respected professions in America, coming in just above “car salesman.”
- 70% of pastors constantly fight depression.
- 70% of pastors feel grossly underpaid, and many are left to serve without any pay at all.
- 50% of the ministers starting out will not last 5 years in ministry service.
- Only 1 out of every 10 ministers will actually retire as a minister in some form.
- Over 1,700 pastors left the ministry every month last year.
- Over 1,300 pastors were terminated by the local church each month. (some with Biblical merit, many without merit)
- 94% of clergy families feel the negative pressures of the pastor's ministry is increasing today.
- 80% of spouses feel the pastor is overworked and unappreciated for his service and sacrifices.
- 80% spouses themselves feel left out and underappreciated by many of their fellow church members.
- And sadly, over 80% of pastors' spouses wish their spouse would choose a different profession.
(Statistics shared above provided by The Fuller Institute, George Barna, and Pastoral Care Inc.)
For many of you, the shared statistics above may come as a surprising revelation to the reality of just how many pastors and church leaders are truly struggling today. At some point in the church’s journey, we’ve stopped allowing our leaders to be ‘human’ and have demanded, whether knowingly or unknowingly, for them to ‘super saints’ who are to have an endless supply of energy, time, patience, vision and strength amidst the difficult days ("perilous times" 2 Timothy 3:1-7) of serving as one of God’s chosen leaders "for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14). Because of this unhealthy and unbiblical level of demand, many church leaders – especially shepherds – continue to serve “in silence” with many of these struggles, often in fear of having their church members unjustly see them as “failures” or “unqualified leaders” of their flocks. This disastrous trend must be acknowledged and lovingly addressed in churches across our nation if our churches are to be effective beacons of God’s love, grace and forgiveness in the tumultuous times of the 21st Century in which we are living.
These trends and issues facing today’s church indeed have a strong personal connection in my own faith journey having vocationally served as a Church Planter-Pastor / Evangelist for nearly 15 years. Our family indeed have faced, and even now is currently facing, much of the stressors already discussed above. In fact, today starts a new faith journey for our family as our current mission assignment with Journey 2427 enters a season of “Ministry Pause” – a God-ordained time to dive deeper with our Lord in greater preparation and divine direction for our journey ahead. In sharing with our church family a few weeks ago, our family re-iterated our firm belief in one of the life truths shared by Dr. Henry Blackaby in Experiencing God that as genuine followers of Christ, “we cannot stay where we are and still go with God” – that is a spiritual impossibility! For various reasons, God has directed our family to enter into this divine season for much needed rest, recharging and restoration. This is a time for us - and for others who care to join alongside us – to grow deeper in our relationship with Christ (Colossians 2:7). Unfortunately, I confess that I have for quiet some time burned the ministry candle at both ends in my service in His Kingdom, though as noble as sacrificial servanthood might be, in recent months due to the unprecedented level of challenges besetting me on numerous fronts, I was rapidly approaching the proverbial "middle" of that ministry life candle. Daily encounters with the “Burnout Beast” was beginning to leave our family intensely "battle weary” from the near continuous time spent on multiple ministry battlefields for the past 15+ years. Although seeking to faithfully serve everyone in the multiple mission areas was a noble and Biblical precept, we have had the Lord graciously show us that we (our family) have done so by serving "well beyond" the protective boundaries which He seeks for us to have established in our own lives and in the life of our family as well.
I pray that the Lord would enable me to authentically share in this "renewal and restoration journey" together through these regular Blog entries / devotions. I have greatly missed these WOTDs during their “unplanned hiatus” these last few months – but my ministry plate was already full beyond capacity and I needed to step back as I sought the Lord’s guidance for the season that is now upon us. Likened to the LifeWalk Messages I share through my preaching ministry, I pray that many will be blessed as they come alongside and hear God’s Word and follow Him into deeper waters of faith - leaving the crowded shores of safety and launching out into the deep (Luke 5:4) where our Lord eagerly awaits us. There will be some who may not like the challenges posed in this spiritual pursuit of His truth - a pursuit that demands that we confront the lingering sins around our life journey which seek to rob us of His joy, His peace and His power! The choice to journey alongside is always yours – the invitation is always open! As with the previous WOTDs, the web pages on life's journey ahead are blank – what the Lord wills to fill them with will be of His choosing, not my own. That is the way I preach – and that is the way I write / share. I hope to share in many victories from this lifelong Quest, as well as the challenges / struggles which are sure to arise along the way. The life trail ahead promises to be a journey filled with examination, revelation, adventure, divine detours and dives into depths not yet reached in our personal relationships with Jesus Christ. I would be humbly honored if you would choose to come alongside me in this journey. Like traveling trail hands on many a journeys made across this great land of ours in its early days, I warmly welcome the blessing of the trail talk / sharing ahead. We welcome your prayers too for our family, our ministry calling-service and for the Lord to be exalted upon every step of the journey ahead in our lives and in each of your lives as well. We've far since left the shoreline and are beyond the breakers - let's Dive Deeper together to explore and receive the hidden treasures which our Lord Jesus has for us all! …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artist Josh Wilson and it can be viewed by clicking on the on the song title, "Before the Morning."
I pray that the Lord would enable me to authentically share in this "renewal and restoration journey" together through these regular Blog entries / devotions. I have greatly missed these WOTDs during their “unplanned hiatus” these last few months – but my ministry plate was already full beyond capacity and I needed to step back as I sought the Lord’s guidance for the season that is now upon us. Likened to the LifeWalk Messages I share through my preaching ministry, I pray that many will be blessed as they come alongside and hear God’s Word and follow Him into deeper waters of faith - leaving the crowded shores of safety and launching out into the deep (Luke 5:4) where our Lord eagerly awaits us. There will be some who may not like the challenges posed in this spiritual pursuit of His truth - a pursuit that demands that we confront the lingering sins around our life journey which seek to rob us of His joy, His peace and His power! The choice to journey alongside is always yours – the invitation is always open! As with the previous WOTDs, the web pages on life's journey ahead are blank – what the Lord wills to fill them with will be of His choosing, not my own. That is the way I preach – and that is the way I write / share. I hope to share in many victories from this lifelong Quest, as well as the challenges / struggles which are sure to arise along the way. The life trail ahead promises to be a journey filled with examination, revelation, adventure, divine detours and dives into depths not yet reached in our personal relationships with Jesus Christ. I would be humbly honored if you would choose to come alongside me in this journey. Like traveling trail hands on many a journeys made across this great land of ours in its early days, I warmly welcome the blessing of the trail talk / sharing ahead. We welcome your prayers too for our family, our ministry calling-service and for the Lord to be exalted upon every step of the journey ahead in our lives and in each of your lives as well. We've far since left the shoreline and are beyond the breakers - let's Dive Deeper together to explore and receive the hidden treasures which our Lord Jesus has for us all! …Selah!
Today's Spirit-led video by CCM artist Josh Wilson and it can be viewed by clicking on the on the song title, "Before the Morning."
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